My Favorite Reads...and My Life

Some of you may ask why all my blog posts say "kudos" instead of "comments" at the bottom. I changed it because "kudos" is the same in its singular and plural form. So instead of "1 comments," which drives some people crazy, you see "1 kudos" or "3 kudos," both of which are correct.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Simon Bloom, the Gravity Keeper

My friend Mike Reisman wrote a new book called Simon Bloom, the Gravity Keeper. It's a really interesting book about Simon Bloom, a kid who finds a book that helps him control the laws of physics. The Book contains formulas that let Simon turn off gravity, so he can float, and reduce friction so he slide down the sidewalk! The plot thickens when two evil characters appear, willing to do almost anything to get their hands on the Book, and Simon and his friends have to use their new-found power to defend themselves...and maybe even the future of the world!

Simon Bloom, the Gravity Keeper will appeal to fans of fantasy and action adventure.

Be on the lookout for this book; it is scheduled to be released on Valentine's Day, 2008!

Pre-order the book now:

And visit Mike Reisman's website at

1 comment:

Robin Palmer said...

That's funny - Michael's a friend of mine as well :) Six degrees of Michael Reisman. Isn't the book so fun?